Launch Pad
Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06
Launch Players, AI, or DemonPlayers to a Launch_Pad_Destination defined in the properties.
Object: Launch Pad Category: Gameplay |
On Launched | When a player is launched, send a signal. The launched player is the activator. |
Property | Type | Description |
Name | String | The name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify. |
Size | XYZ Size | The dimensions of the object. |
Show on Start | Boolean | If true, this object will be shown on map start. |
Color | RGB | The red, green and blue components of the RGB color value. |
Destination | Destination Picker | The destination to launch the player towards. |
Speed | Integer | The speed that is applied to players in units per second. |
Destination | Destination Picker | The destination to launch the player towards. |
Prefer Low Trajectory | Boolean | If true, the player will be launched along the lowest possibe arc. |
Fallback Behavior | Enum | If the launch pad fails to find a proper trajectory due to a missing or obstructed destination, perform the following behavior on the player. |
Custom Filter | Grid Picker | Limits who or what can use this object. |
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