The Camera allows a map creator to display a different view to a player. When the Camera is enabled, the camera's view is displayed to the player activator. When the Camera is disabled, the player's standard view is restored.
Cameras can be used to show the player cutscenes, menus, maps, spectator views, or other views.
Preview View
You can preview the camera's view by hovering over the Camera object and pressing Preview Camera (T on PC, RS Click on controller).
To show a player a cutscene, enable a camera based on a trigger. From the same trigger, you can disable the camera after a delay. Insert a Player Iterator to show all the players the same cutscene.
Position the camera so that the cutscene is in view. It can take some careful positioning and testing to get the position right.
Cameras can also be used to create custom menus for difficulty selection, shops, skill trees, inventory display, etc. In the example below, some variable-driven World Text objects display the number of resources that a player has. This menu can be placed where a player can reach it, or in a module disconnected from the rest of the map. The player can see the menu at any time by pressing the Taunt 1 button.
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Cameras can also be used to create an AutoMap out of colored player blocking volumes.