
Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06


A String variable can be set to a text string and used to control certain properties on other objects.


Object: String

Category: Variable


Build.pngBuildCombine Integer, Number, Boolean or String variables into one String.
Set.pngSet (String)Set the String to the value specified in the input's properties.


OnChanged.pngOn ChangedWhen the value changes, send a signal. The activator is the Resource or Cached Entity that changed. There is no activator for Boolean, Color, Integer, Number or String variables.


NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
Enable ScoringBooleanIf false, no score will be awarded to teams or players.
Also Add to Team ScoreBooleanf true, any time a player is awarded points, the same amount will be awarded to their team.
Score MultiplierNumberScores awarded from kills will be scaled by this value.
Glory Kill Score MultiplierNumberScore gained from glory kills will be scaled by this value.
Score For Player KillIntegerNumber of points awarded to a player when they kill another player.
Score For Demon Player KillIntegerNumber of points awarded to a player when they kill a demon player.
Par Time BonusIntegerNumber of bonus points awarded to a player for completing the level under the Par Time defined in the Gameplay Settings.
Bonus For All Secrets FoundIntegerNumber of bonus points awarded to a player for finding all the secrets in the map.
Demon Type (Possessed Scientist, Imp, Etc)IntegerNumber of points awarded when you kill this demon.