Single Demon Encounter
A Single Demon Encounter will spawn a single, specified Demon.
| Object: Single Demon Encounter
Category: Spawners
| Spawn Encounter | Start spawning the demons in the encounter. The settings may use the activator's position to decide the spawn location. |
| Finish Encounter | Finish the encounter early. The settings may specify if you want to remove all AI spawned by the encounter. |
| Apply Buff | Apply the buff specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI as an activator. |
| Assign Team | Assign a team to each AI that spawns from the encounter. The team is specified in the input's properties. |
| Hurt | Hurt a demon or player by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI or player as an activator. |
| Heal | Heal a demon by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI as an activator. |
| Enable Stagger | Will allow an AI to be staggered. Expects an AI as an activator. |
| Disable Stagger | AI will no longer become staggered. Expects an AI as an activator. |
| On Started | When the encounter starts, send a signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal. |
| On Encounter Finished | When the encounter has finished, send a signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal. |
| On Demon Killed | When a demon is killed during the encounter, send a signal. The activator, demon or killer, is specified in the output's properties. |
| On Demon Spawned | When a demon is spawned during the encounter, send a signal. The demon that spawned is the activator. |
| On Encounter Percent Finished | When an encounter has reached the set threshold, send a signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal. |
Property | Type | Description |
Name | String | The name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify. |
Encounter | List | The demons to spawn. |
Health Modifier | Percentage | Increase or decrease the AI's health based on a percentage of their default health. |
Damage Modifier | Percentage | Increase or decrease how much damage an AI can do based on a percentage of their default damage. |
Spawn Location | Enum | The location that the encounter will spawn: at the activator's location or at the encounter object's location. |
Spawn Proximity | Enum | The area around the spawn location in which demons can spawn. |
Stagger Enabled | Boolean | If false, this AI will never stagger. |
Stagger Override | Percentage | If greater than 0, will be the percentage of health that the AI will stagger. |