Pressure Plate

Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

The Pressure Plate will signal its outputs when a player or demon stands on it.


Object: Pressure Plate

Category: Interactives

Type: Placeable Object


Setcolor.pngSet ColorSet the RGB color value as specified in the input's properties.
Disable.pngDisable InteractableDisable the Interactable.
Enable.pngEnable InteractableEnable the Interactable.
Hide.pngHideHide the object. The object will exist if hidden and can be shown again later using Show.
Show.pngShowShow the object if it is hidden. The object can be hidden again with Hide.
Delete.pngDeleteDelete the object from the map. An object can't reset, respawn or otherwise reappear for the remainder of the match.
Set_poi.pngSet Point Of InterestApply a POI icon to the object.
Remove_poi.pngClear Points Of InterestRemove any POIs that have been set.


Onentered.pngOn EnteredWhen an object enters the volume, send a signal. The object is the activator.
Onexit.pngOn ExitedWhen an object exits the volume, send a signal. The object is the activator.
Onexit_all.pngOn Exited AllWhen all objects have exited the trigger volume, send a signal. The last object to exit the volume is the activator.


NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
Custom FilterGrid PickerLimits who or what can use this object.
ColorRGBThe red, green and blue components of the RGB color value.
CooldownFloatAfter signaling its outputs, the trigger will wait this many seconds before it can be used again.