Power Station

Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

All Interactives in this category share the same inputs and outputs


Object: Power Station

Category: Interactives

Type: Placeable Object


Spawned.pngRespawn CoreCreate another Power Core in the Power Station
Setcolor.pngSet Core ColorSet the Power Station's color. This affects which Cores are accepted and the color of respawned Cores.
Disable.pngDisable InteractableDisable the Interactable.
Enable.pngEnable InteractableEnable the Interactable.
Hide.pngHideHide the object. The object will exist if hidden and can be shown again later using Show.
Show.pngShowShow the object if it is hidden. The object can be hidden again with Hide.
Delete.pngDeleteDelete the object from the map. An object can't reset, respawn or otherwise reappear for the remainder of the match.
Set_poi.pngSet Point Of InterestApply a POI icon to the object.
Remove_poi.pngClear Points Of InterestRemove any POIs that have been set.


Ontaken.pngOn TakenWhen a Power Core is taken from the Power Station, send a signal. The player who took the Power Core is the activator.
Ongiven.pngOn GivenWhen the Power Station is given a Power Core, send a signal. The player who gave the Power Core is the activator.


NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
Custom FilterGrid PickerLimits who or what can use this object.
Starts With CoreBooleanIf true, the Power Station will contain one Power Core when the map starts.
Disable on Given CoreBooleanIf true, the Power Station will be disabled when a player gives it a Power Core.
Require Matching ColorsBooleanIf true, the Power Station will only accept a Power Core of the same color.
Core ColorEnumThe Power Station's associated Power Core color.