Player Resource

Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

Player Resource

A variable that represents a custom Player Resource type. It can be set to a whole number.


Object: Player Resource

Category: Variables


Spend.pngSpendSpend the resource value specified in the input's properties. Fails if there are insufficient resources. Expects a player as an activator.
Set.pngSet (Player Resource)Set the Player Resource to the value specified in the input's properties. Expects a player as an activator.
Add.pngAdd (Player Resource)Increase the Player Resource by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects a player as an activator.
Subtract.pngSubtract (Player Resource)Decrease the Player Resource by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects a player as an activator.


OnChanged.pngOn ChangedWhen the value changes, send a signal. The activator is the Resource or Cached Entity that changed. There is no activator for Boolean, Color, Integer, Number or String variables.
OnSpendSucceeded.pngOn Spend Player Resource SucceededWhen an attempt to spend a Player Resource succeeds, send a signal. The activator is unchanged from the input Spend signal.
OnSpendFailed.pngOn Spend Player Resource FailedWhen an attempt to spend a Player Resource fails, send a signal. The activator is unchanged from the input Spend signal.
OnSpendAttempted.pngOn Spend Player Resource AttemptedWhen an attempt to spend a Player Resource is made, send a signal. The activator is unchanged from the input Spend signal.


NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
IconGrid PickerIcon of this object. Change the icon to make it easy to identify.
Initial ValueIntegerThe starting value for this variable.
Min ValueIntegerThe minimum value.
Max ValueIntegerThe maximum value.