Player Proxy

Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

Player Proxy

The Player Proxy is used to apply inputs or gather outputs from players in your map.


Object: Player Proxy

Category: Player & Team


Hurt.pngHurtHurt a demon or player by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI or player as an activator.
Onkilled.pngKill PlayerKill a player. Expects a player as an activator.
SetModifier.pngSet ModifierApply a modifier, specified in the input's properties, to a player. Expects a player as an activator.
GiveScore.pngGive Player ScoreGive the player the score specified in the input's properties. Expects a player as an activator.
Revive.pngReviveRevive an incapacitated player. Expects a player as an activator.
Incapacitate.pngIncapacitateIncapacitate a player. Incapacitated players will die if they are not revived in time. Expects a player as an activator.
ChangeRace.pngChange RaceTransform a player into a human or a demon. Expects a player as an activator.
Heal.pngGive HealthGive the player the amount of health specified in the input's properties. Expects a player as an activator.
Spawned.pngRespawnWhen the activator is a dead player, this action will respawn them
Set_poi.pngSet Point Of InterestApply a POI icon to the object.
Remove_poi.pngClear Points Of InterestRemove any POIs that have been set.
SetPlayerScore.pngSet Player ScoreSet the player's score to the value specified in the input's properties. Expects a player as an activator.


Revive.pngOn RevivedWhen a player is revived by a teammate, send a signal. The revived player is the activator.
Incapacitate.pngOn IncapacitatedWhen a player is incapacitated, send a signal. The incapacitated player is the activator.
Spawned.pngOn Player SpawnedWhen a player spawns, send a signal. The spawned player is the activator.
OnKilled.pngOn KilledWhen a player is killed, send a signal. The activator, victim or killer, is specified in the output's properties.
Hurt.pngOn HurtWhen a player is hurt, send a signal. The activator, victim or attacker, is specified in the output's properties.
OnKilledDemonPlayer.pngOn Killed a Demon PlayerWhen a player kills a demon player, send a signal. The player that killed the demon player is the activator.
OnKilledanAI.pngOn Killed an AIWhen a player kills an AI, send a signal. The player is the activator.
OnScoreReached.pngOn Player Score ReachedWhen a player reaches the target score specified in the input's properties, send a signal. The player is the activator.
OnIntensityChanged.pngOn Intensity ChangedWhen the intensity changes, based on how well a player is playing, send a signal. The player whose intensity changed is the activator.
OnKilled.pngOn Killed SelfWhen a player is killed by a hazard or their own splash damage, send a signal. The player is the activator.
OnMatchJoined.pngOn Match JoinedWhen a player joins the match, send a signal. The player is the activator.
OnMatchLeft.pngOn Match LeftWhen a player leaves the match, send a signal. The player is the activator.


NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
Custom FilterGrid PickerLimits who or what can use this object.
Player Score Output (Variable)Grid PickerIf set, all player scores will be written out to the player resource.