Player Proxy
The Player Proxy is used to apply inputs or gather outputs from players in your map.
| Object: Player Proxy
Category: Player & Team
| Hurt | Hurt a demon or player by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI or player as an activator. |
| Kill Player | Kill a player. Expects a player as an activator. |
| Set Modifier | Apply a modifier, specified in the input's properties, to a player. Expects a player as an activator. |
| Give Player Score | Give the player the score specified in the input's properties. Expects a player as an activator. |
| Revive | Revive an incapacitated player. Expects a player as an activator. |
| Incapacitate | Incapacitate a player. Incapacitated players will die if they are not revived in time. Expects a player as an activator. |
| Change Race | Transform a player into a human or a demon. Expects a player as an activator. |
| Give Health | Give the player the amount of health specified in the input's properties. Expects a player as an activator. |
| Respawn | When the activator is a dead player, this action will respawn them |
| Set Point Of Interest | Apply a POI icon to the object. |
| Clear Points Of Interest | Remove any POIs that have been set. |
| Set Player Score | Set the player's score to the value specified in the input's properties. Expects a player as an activator. |
| On Revived | When a player is revived by a teammate, send a signal. The revived player is the activator. |
| On Incapacitated | When a player is incapacitated, send a signal. The incapacitated player is the activator. |
| On Player Spawned | When a player spawns, send a signal. The spawned player is the activator. |
| On Killed | When a player is killed, send a signal. The activator, victim or killer, is specified in the output's properties. |
| On Hurt | When a player is hurt, send a signal. The activator, victim or attacker, is specified in the output's properties. |
| On Killed a Demon Player | When a player kills a demon player, send a signal. The player that killed the demon player is the activator. |
| On Killed an AI | When a player kills an AI, send a signal. The player is the activator. |
| On Player Score Reached | When a player reaches the target score specified in the input's properties, send a signal. The player is the activator. |
| On Intensity Changed | When the intensity changes, based on how well a player is playing, send a signal. The player whose intensity changed is the activator. |
| On Killed Self | When a player is killed by a hazard or their own splash damage, send a signal. The player is the activator. |
| On Match Joined | When a player joins the match, send a signal. The player is the activator. |
| On Match Left | When a player leaves the match, send a signal. The player is the activator. |
Property | Type | Description |
Name | String | The name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify. |
Custom Filter | Grid Picker | Limits who or what can use this object. |
Player Score Output (Variable) | Grid Picker | If set, all player scores will be written out to the player resource. |