Number Compare

Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

Number Compare

Compare two numbers and signal outputs based on the results.


Object: Number Compare

Category: Flow


Test.pngTest NumbersCompare the LHS number to the RHS number. Any outputs will send a signal depending on the result.


LessThan.pngLess Than (Number)When tested, if the LHS number is less than the RHS, send the signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal.
GreaterThan.pngGreater Than (Number)When tested, if the LHS number is greater than the RHS, send the signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal.
AtMost.pngAt Most (Number)When tested, if the LHS number is less than or equal to the RHS, send the signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal.
AtLeast.pngAt Least (Number)When tested, if the LHS number is greater than or equal to the RHS, send the signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal.
Equal.pngEqual (Number)When tested, if the LHS number is equal to the RHS, send the signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal.
NotEqual.pngNot Equal (Number)When tested, if the LHS number is not equal to the RHS, send the signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal.


NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
LHSNumberThe left hand side of the comparison can be a fixed value or a variable.
RHSNumberThe right hand side of the comparison can be a fixed value or a variable.