
Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

Wield the power of light! Causes damage to players and demons.


Object: Laser

Category: FX

Type: Placeable Objects


Enable.pngEnable LaserEnable the Laser. This turns on both damage and visual effects.
Disable.pngDisable LaserDisable the laser. This turns off both damage and visual effects.
Enable.pngSet DamageSet how much damage this hazard causes per damage interval. Using a variable as the input's Damage property will set the Hazard's damage to the variable's current value. The damage will not update when the variable changes value.
Setcolor.pngSet ColorSet the RGB color value as specified in the input's properties.


Onkilled.pngOn KillWhen this hazard kills a target, send a signal with the target as the activator.
Hurt.pngOn Caused DamageWhen this hazard causes damage, send a signal.


PropertyTypeUsed withDescription
NameStringAll FXThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
Start EnabledBooleanAll FXIf true, the hazard will be enabled on map start.
DamageIntegerAll FXThe amount of damage the hazard will cause per damage interval.
ColorRGBSelect FXThe red, green and blue components of the RGB color value.
Damage IntervalFloatOnly lingering FX/HazardsThe number of seconds between each tick of damage.
Custom FilterGrid PickerAll FXLimits who or what can use this object.