Group Encounter

Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

Group Demon Encounter

A Group Demon Encounter will spawn a single group of Demons.


Object: Group Demon Encounter

Category: Spawners


Spawned.pngSpawn EncounterStart spawning the demons in the encounter. The settings may use the activator's position to decide the spawn location.
Stop.pngFinish EncounterFinish the encounter early. The settings may specify if you want to remove all AI spawned by the encounter.
Apply_buff.pngApply BuffApply the buff specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI as an activator.
SetTeam.pngAssign TeamAssign a team to each AI that spawns from the encounter. The team is specified in the input's properties.
Hurt.pngHurtHurt a demon or player by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI or player as an activator.
Heal.pngHealHeal a demon by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI as an activator.
EnableStagger.pngEnable StaggerWill allow an AI to be staggered. Expects an AI as an activator.
DisableStagger.pngDisable StaggerAI will no longer become staggered. Expects an AI as an activator.


Play.pngOn StartedWhen the encounter starts, send a signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal.
Stop.pngFinish EncounterFinish the encounter early. The settings may specify if you want to remove all AI spawned by the encounter.
Finished.pngOn Encounter FinishedWhen the encounter has finished, send a signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal.
Onkilled.pngOn Demon KilledWhen a demon is killed during the encounter, send a signal. The activator, demon or killer, is specified in the output's properties.
Spawned.pngOn Demon SpawnedWhen a demon is spawned during the encounter, send a signal. The demon that spawned is the activator.
OnEncounterPercentageReached.pngOn Encounter Percent FinishedWhen an encounter has reached the set threshold, send a signal. The activator is unchanged from the input signal.


NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
EncounterListThe demons to spawn.
Health ModifierPercentageIncrease or decrease the AI's health based on a percentage of their default health.
Damage ModifierPercentageIncrease or decrease how much damage an AI can do based on a percentage of their default damage.
Spawn LocationEnumThe location that the encounter will spawn: at the activator's location or at the encounter object's location.
Spawn ProximityIntegerThe area around the spawn location in which demons can spawn.
Stagger EnabledBooleanIf false, this AI will never stagger.
Stagger OverridePercentageIf greater than 0, will be the percentage of health that the AI will stagger.