Getting Started

Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

Always fancied making your own DOOM levels and maps? Well then SnapMap is for you!

With SnapMap you can create your very own DOOM maps and challenges, as well as recreating classic DOOM modes and gameplay.

Snap Academy

Snap Academy is a great starting point for getting your creative brain around the create tools within SnapMap. You can choose to take beginner or advanced classes to expand your SnapMap knowledge

Basic Training

Five Minutes to Snap - general editor functionality and tools introduction

Looks and Feels - aesthetics of SnapMap creation aka how to decorate your modules/palettes ( props, lighting, fx)

Making Connections - introduction to logic editing, gameplay mechanics and monsters

How to Conduct yourself - a Snap Academy end of term test where using a pre built map you use spawners to create gameplay

Advanced Training

Single Control : Multi Select - Working with groups of modules and connecting them easily

Single Control : Duplicate Modules - Connecting groups of modules by using the duplicate tool

Single Control : Duplicate Objects - How to use duplicate to make more of objects, such as classic barrels

Single Control : The Grid - Making the most out of the grid to place objects more exactly

Advanced Training : AI Path Points - Placing AI paths to get maximum gameplay impact

Advanced Training : Logic Chain Mode - Use the logic chain tool with ease

Advanced Training : Filters - All there is to know about pre filters, filters and custom filters

Advanced Training : Activator - Working with an activator within existing SnapMap logic chains

Reference Maps

Snap Academy reference maps are designed to help fledgling creators understand gameplay and create elements. You can go into a reference map to see a demo of the aspect of map building that interests you in order to see how the finished product should look and apply those learnings to your SnapMap creation.

You cannot use a Snap Academy reference map as a build basis for your SnapMap

Power Core - Power Core Station and Power Core droppable items

Containers - Containers galore!

FX and Hazards - FX and hazards

Player Demons - Demon Rune and example Player Proxy usage

Pickups - Individual Pickups, Pickup spawners and some item Spawn Setting examples

Lights - Point and Spot light examples

Props - Props and some example prop actions

Weapons - Weapons and Weapon spawners

Interactables - Panel and Munition box examples

AI Directors - A few different examples of how the AI director can mix up gameplay

Player Communication - Text and call out examples

Player HUD and POI - Objective, POI and HUD setting examples

Triggers - Varieties of trigger examples

Events - Enemy event examples, from boss to survival

Player Blocking Volume - Samples of player blocking usage

Team - Team Proxy and Team Iterator examples

Player Input - Player Input examples

Teleporters - Fun with Teleporters!

Camera - Clever ways to use the camera in your map

Gameplay Settings - Examples of clever ways to use the gampeplay tool

Map - Best usage of the Map object

Endgame - Some examples of the Endgame Settings object

Score Settings - Showcases some examples of the Score Settings object

Module Proxy - Examples of using the Module Proxy object

Variables - Host of variables examples including resources, Boolean, Cached Object, Color and String Variable examples

Demons - Demon Spawners, AI Proxy, AI Path Points and AI iterator examples

Filter Usage - Object and pre-filter examples

Order of Operations - See the Order of Operations tool in use

Activator and Cached Object - Various Activator and Cached Object examples

Exploders - Explosions in action!

Audio - Music examples including music, 3D Speaker, 2D speaker and VO speaker

Flags - See how to use the droppable Flag object

Doors and Keycards - Keycard droppable and using doors with keys examples

Snap Puzzles

Snap Puzzles are designed to teach players by making them experiment and troubleshoot. Do your best to figure out the puzzles on your own. Take a break and come back to any tough puzzles. Try not to look up the solutions; you will learn the material more effectively if you can solve the puzzle on your own.

Branching Maps

If you play another user's SnapMap and want to add your own style/gameplay to it you can simply 'branch' from their map and create your own!

The original map author will still be credited in your new creation but you will be able to re-publish it with a new map name and leaderboard.

How To Branch A Map

Find the map you would like to branch from and select SAVE TO MY DOWNLOADED MAPS


Then simply choose the map you would like to edit/branch from and choose EDIT

Then you are all set to make changes and re-publish the map in its new form and with a new name!
