End Game

Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

End Game

The End Game object defines the victory, defeat and draw conditions.


Object: End Game

Category: Gameplay


DetermineEnd.pngEnd in VictoryEnd the game and declare victory for the activator. If there is no activator, the game ends in Victory for all players.
EndinDraw.pngEnd in DrawEnd the game and declare a draw for the activator. If there is no activator, the game ends in a Draw for all players.
EndinDefeat.pngEnd in DefeatEnd the game and declare defeat for the activator. If there is no activator, the game ends in Defeat for all players.
DetermineEnd.pngDetermine EndEnd the game and declare the result for each player based on the input's properties.




NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
Show SplashscreenBooleanIf true, the splashscreen will display when the game ends.
Show ScoreboardBooleanIf true, the scoreboard will display when the game ends.