
Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

All Demons in this category share the same inputs and outputs


Object: Individual Demons

Category: Demons (AI)

Type: Placeable Object


Hide.pngHideHide the object. The object will exist if hidden and can be shown again later using Show.
Show.pngShowShow the object if it is hidden. The object can be hidden again with Hide.
Delete.pngDeleteDelete the object from the map. An object can't reset, respawn or otherwise reappear for the remainder of the match.
Set_poi.pngSet Point Of InterestApply a POI icon to the object.
Remove_poi.pngClear Points Of InterestRemove any POIs that have been set.
Hurt.pngHurtHurt a demon or player by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI or player as an activator.
Heal.pngHealHeal a demon by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI as an activator.
Apply_buff.pngApply BuffApply the buff specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI as an activator.
EnableStagger.pngEnable StaggerWill allow an AI to be staggered. Expects an AI as an activator.
DisableStagger.pngDisable StaggerAI will no longer become staggered. Expects an AI as an activator.


Onkilled.pngOn KilledWhen a demon is killed, send a signal. The activator, demon or killer, is specified in the output's properties.
Spawned.pngOn AI SpawnedWhen an AI is spawned, send a signal. The spawned AI is the activator.
Health_reached.pngOn Health Percentage ReachedWhen the demon reaches the health threshold specified in the output's properties, send the signal. The demon is the activator.
Hurt.pngOn HurtWhen an AI is hurt, send a signal. The activator, demon or attacker, is specified in the output's properties.


NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
Show on startBooleanIf true, this object will be shown on map start.
Health ModifierPercentageIncrease or decrease the AI's health based on a percentage of their default health.
Damage ModifierPercentageIncrease or decrease how much damage an AI can do based on a percentage of their default damage.
Spawn BehaviorEnumThe AI will behave normally, ambush only when they see a player, or hunt a player down from anywhere.
TeamEnumAI will be placed on this team when they spawn.
Require Glory KillBooleanIf true, this AI can only be killed with a Glory Kill.
AI Conductor ManagedBooleanIf true, the AI Conductor will manage this AI (hiding the AI when far away, showing it when close)
Stagger EnabledBooleanIf false, this AI will never stagger.
Stagger OverridePercentageIf greater than 0, will be the percentage of health that the AI will stagger.


Below is a list of objects that make use of the inputs/outputs and properties defined above.