AI Proxy

Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

AI Proxy

The AI Proxy is used to apply inputs or gather outputs from demons in your map.


Object: AI Proxy

Category: AI


KillAI.pngKill AIKill an AI. Expects an AI as an activator.
Apply_buff.pngApply BuffApply the buff specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI as an activator.
Heal.pngHealHeal a demon by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI as an activator.
Hurt.pngHurtHurt a demon or player by the amount specified in the input's properties. Expects an AI or player as an activator.
Set_poi.pngSet Point Of InterestApply a POI icon to the object.
Remove_poi.pngClear Points Of InterestRemove any POIs that have been set.
KillAI.pngRemove DemonWill remove a demon from a map. Does not send a signal for killing AI.
EnableStagger.pngEnable StaggerWill allow an AI to be staggered. Expects an AI as an activator.
DisableStagger.pngDisable StaggerAI will no longer become staggered. Expects an AI as an activator.


Spawned.pngOn AI SpawnedWhen an AI is spawned, send a signal. The spawned AI is the activator.
Hurt.pngOn HurtWhen an AI is hurt, send a signal. The activator, demon or attacker, is specified in the output's properties.
Onkilled.pngOn KilledWhen a demon is killed, send a signal. The activator, demon or killer, is specified in the output's properties.


NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
Custom FilterGrid PickerLimits who or what can use this object.