AI Conductors

Last modified by KDearnley on 2023/07/31 14:06

AI Conductor - Classic

The Classic AI Conductor will auto-populate a linear level with increasingly difficult demon encounters that do not respawn behind you.


Object: AI Conductor - Classic

Category: AI


Play.pngSet ActiveActivate the object, allowing it to accept inputs and signal outputs.
Stop.pngSet InactiveDeactivate the object. The object will stop accepting inputs and signaling outputs.
Pause.pngPause SpawningPause spawning new AI.
Play.pngUnpause SpawningContinue spawning new AI.
Modify.pngChange TierChange the types of demons that are spawned by the AI Conductor. Higher level tiers contain bigger and badder demons.
Reset.pngReset TierRestore the default tier of demon types. The Conductor will return to spawning smaller and easier demons.


The Classic Conductor has no outputs.


NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
Conductor Controlled AIIntegerThe maximum number of AI the Conductor is allowed control at any given time. Can be fixed or variable.
Global Module CooldownNumberThe number of seconds between spawns in each module. Can be fixed or variable.
Difficulty Increase IntervalIntegerThe distance traversed, based on percentage of the map length, between difficulty increases. Can be fixed or variable.
Time Between BossesNumberThe number of seconds between bosses. Can be fixed or variable.
Health ModifierPercentageIncrease or decrease the AI's health based on a percentage of their default health.
Damage ModifierPercentageIncrease or decrease how much damage an AI can do based on a percentage of their default damage.

AI Conductor - Survival

The Survival AI Conductor will spawn an increasingly difficult onslaught of demons until every player is dead.


Object: AI Conductor - Survival

Category: AI


Play.pngSet ActiveActivate the object, allowing it to accept inputs and signal outputs.
Stop.pngSet InactiveDeactivate the object. The object will stop accepting inputs and signaling outputs.
Pause.pngPause SpawningPause spawning new AI.
Play.pngUnpause SpawningContinue spawning new AI.
Modify.pngChange TierChange the types of demons that are spawned by the AI Conductor. Higher level tiers contain bigger and badder demons.
Reset.pngReset TierRestore the default tier of demon types. The Conductor will return to spawning smaller and easier demons.


WaveStart.pngOn Spawn Waves StartedWhen an AI Conductor starts spawning waves, send a signal. There is no activator.
WaveStop.pngOn Spawn Break StartedWhen an AI Conductor starts a break between waves, send a signal. There is no activator.


NameStringThe name of this object. Rename an object to make it easy to identify.
Conductor Controlled AIIntegerThe maximum number of AI the Conductor is allowed control at any given time. Can be fixed or variable.
Wave DurationNumberThe duration of a wave in seconds. Can be fixed or variable.
Break DurationNumberThe number of seconds between waves. Can be fixed or variable.
Time Between EncountersNumberThe number of seconds between spawns. Can be fixed or variable.
Health ModifierPercentageIncrease or decrease the AI's health based on a percentage of their default health.
Damage ModifierPercentageIncrease or decrease how much damage an AI can do based on a percentage of their default damage.